Terms of Business

This Terms of Business statement sets out the terms and conditions under which we conduct our business.


We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our Firm Reference Number is 738017. We are permitted to act as a credit broker.

You may check this information on the FCA’s Register by visiting www.fca.org.uk/register or by contacting them on 0845 606 1234.

Our Services

We offer our services to you which include:

  • Arranging finance with a funder for you after you have agreed the cost and funder's charges (or the basis of such costs if they cannot be determined in advance).
  • Preparing and witnessing appropriate loan documentation on behalf of the funder.

We are not linked to any of our lending panel members.

We recognise it is important for customers to be able to shop around for credit and alternative sources of credit.

Some of the services that we provide are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. You will be advised in advance of any such proposal or service.


We will quote figures based on our funders' cost of funds. The funder has the right to change or decline these quotes on receipt of the full proposal.

Our Remuneration

Our remuneration is an introductory payment payable by the funder. We do not take credit for payments due until the funding has been paid out.

We disclose remuneration paid to us, this may be preset but may be variable and will affect the amount payable. 

You are entitled, at any time, to request information regarding any payment which we may have received as a result of placing your finance with a funder.

Conflicts of Interest

If through exceptional circumstances any of our directors or other customers has a material interest in business you ask to be transacted for you, we will make you aware of the conflict of interest and obtain your consent before your instructions are carried out.

A copy of our Conflicts of Interest Policy is available on request.

Treating You Fairly

We always aim to treat you fairly. This means that we will always endeavour to:

  • Conduct our business with due skill, care, and integrity.
  • Never put ourselves in a position where our primary duty to you is compromised.
  • Deal with any complaint sympathetically and independently of the colleague to whom the complaint is directed.
  • Be transparent in the matter of our remuneration.
  • Respect your confidentiality.


If you have a complaint about us, please let us know by writing to:

Jet Vehicle Finance Ltd
The Granary, Brockhill Court, Brockhill Lane, Redditch, Worcestershire, B97 6RB
FAO: Wendy Johnson

Alternatively, you can email wendy@jetvehiclefinance.co.uk

  • If you complain in writing or via telephone, we will reply in writing within five working days to acknowledge your letter.
  • If your complaint was via email, we will send an acknowledgment email within five working days.
  • This communication will confirm the details of your complaint and ask you to check the details are correct.

If we cannot resolve your complaint within four weeks of receipt, we will update you and let you know the progress of our investigation and when we will inform you of our decision.

If we are unable to reach a decision within eight weeks of the date we first received your complaint, we will contact you and provide our final decision.

We will also give you details of the BVRLA arbitration service if you do not agree with our decision. Details can also be found at www.bvrla.co.uk or by emailing complaint@bvrla.co.uk

Consumer Credit Customers also have the legal right to refer unresolved disputes to the Financial Ombudsman Service within six months from the date of the final decision at www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/consumer/complaints.

Non-financial complaints can be directed to Trading Standards.

Your Responsibilities

In order for us to fulfil our responsibilities to you, you must:

  • Read the documentation we give you and let us know if there is anything that is unclear or that does not represent your requirements.
  • Comply with the terms and conditions of any agreement we arrange for you.

Data Protection and Confidentiality

We are registered under the Data Protection Regulations and abide by the requirements of the Regulations. The information we receive from you is used to provide quotations and arrange finance with a funder.

You have the right to cancel your authority to use such information.

Before or after you enter into any agreement with a funder, to help make credit decisions, the funder will make a credit search with a credit reference agency. If you are a company or partnership, they will also make enquiries about the principal director(s) or partner(s) with a credit reference agency.

Full details of the use and disclosure of your information by the funder are contained within the terms and conditions of any agreement, which you should read before signing.

All customers’ records are treated as private and confidential, and Jet Vehicle Finance Ltd reserves the right to give you copies of your particular records rather than allow access to files containing records concerning other clients.

If you want sight of your records, please send a request to:
Wendy Johnson, Director
Jet Vehicle Finance Ltd, The Granary, Brockhill Court, Brockhill Lane, Redditch, B97 6RB.

We are required to verify your identity in accordance with the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA) and the Money Laundering Regulations 2007.